
Subnet Construc-Tips: How to confirm if a punch list has been completed?

June 7, 2019

How to confirm if a punch list has been completed?

A punch list, as defined by BusinessDictionary, is a document listing work that does not conform to contract specifications, usually attached to the certificate of substantial completion. The contractor must correct the punch list work before receiving payment.

Merriam-Webster put it simply as a list of usually minor tasks to be completed at the end of a project.

Interestingly, the term punch list comes from the antiquated process of actually punching holes in a list to mark which items needed fixing. It is also known as a snag list in the UK.

For this week’s blog post, Subnet Construction will share with you all the necessary details you have to know about a punch list, as well as tips on what must be done during the so-called punch listing or final inspection. We will be tackling the roles and obligations of the contractor as well as your responsibilities as a client, among other key players in your construction project.

Punch List Tip for the Client

Prepare for the final inspection that will be set up by your contractor. Visit the construction site beforehand and ask questions. Be critical with the work done, as well as with what hasn’t been done. Check all the house items whether they working or not. Go down to the tiniest details. You will know that a punch list has been completed if all your concerns have been attended to and you feel satisfied as a homeowner.

Punch List Tip for the Contractor

Make sure that everything is prepared when you walk the client through the final inspection. Consult everyone who needs to be consulted. Do your own inspection with your subcontractors, if any. When with the client, be helpful and accommodating. Answer all the questions and take note of all the client’s specific concerns. You will know that a punch list has been completed on your end if your client turns into an excited homeowner who can’t wait to move in.

Punch List for the Subcontractor

Get things done before the actual punch listing takes place. Do all the necessary communication and follow-up to ensure that the project has run smoothly and is ready for final inspection. Make sure all the features in the house are functional. In case there are unexpected changes or adjustments, be smart in facing the problem. Keep in mind that your number one priority is to get things done and to satisfy the client. You will know that a punch list has been completed on your part if your contractor commended you on your work.

Punch List for the Architect

Prepare all the necessary documents like the floor plan and blueprint, to name a few. Ensure from the start that what you have designed are exactly what has been built. Nevertheless, if there are changes especially those required by the client, you have to be accommodating enough even if your original design hasn’t been followed. The key here is professionalism. At the end of the day, what should matter most is the client got what he/she wanted in his/her dream home. As an architect, you will know that a punch list has been completed and is considered a success if there is no last minute major changes required.

Moving into your desired perfect house is a dream come true. As a client, make sure that this dream will not turn into a nightmare. Punch listing is the time to fully check if your demands have been met. This is also your one last chance to request for any needed change before you settle into your new home. Take this opportunity to perfect small details and functionality of your home. Remember, your dream house is the result of all your hard work through the years. You deserve to get your money’s worth from this investment.

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– BusinessDictionary. “punch list”. businessdictionary.com. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/punch-list.html (accessed June 6, 2019)
– Compton Construction. “Construction Punch List – Everything you need to know”. comptonllc.com. http://comptonllc.com/construction-punch-list/
– Construction Productivity Blog. “Building 101: What Is a Construction Punch List?”. blog.plangrid.com. https://blog.plangrid.com/2018/11/what-is-a-construction-punch-list/ (accessed June 6, 2019)
– MerriamWebster. “punch list”. merriam-webster.com. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/punch%20list (accessed June 6, 2019)
– Real Living. “RL Tips: The Punch List for your First Home”. realliving.com.ph. https://www.realliving.com.ph/home-improvement/rl-tips-the-punch-list-for-your-first-home (accessed June 6, 2019)
– ZipMatch. “How To Inspect Your New Condo Using a Punch List [Download]”. zipmatch.com. https://www.zipmatch.com/blog/inspect-new-condo-using-punch-list/ (accessed June 6, 2019)



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