
SubNet Real Estate-tionary: Architect versus Engineer

February 9, 2018

design and build

Ever looked at a newly-built house or building and asked yourself, “Who did what? Is it the architect or the engineer?” Ever wondered where these two professionals resemble or differ?

This week, we will try to enlighten you on the disparity between an architect and an engineer on SubNet Real Estate-tionary, where real estate jargons find their meaning.

Architect, The Designer

Basically, the architect is known as the designer. Merriam Webster defines it as “a person who designs buildings and advises in their construction.” But did you know that etymologically, architect means master builder? One of the origins of this term came from Greek “architektōn”, which translates to “master builder”. No wonder people still misinterpret the roles of the architect and the engineer until today.

In terms of competencies though, architects are in need of technical knowledge, building design, planning, and management skills. Hence, they are more right-brained than engineers; otherwise known as artistic, creative, and theoretical thinkers.

Work-wise, architects are more likely to be in the fields of architecture, real estate development, urban planning, construction, interior design, and civil engineering.

Here at SubNet Construction, our architect is the key player responsible for our amazing house designs and real estate projects. Want to get to know more about him? Stay tuned for that.

Engineer, The Builder

On the other hand, the engineer is referred to as the builder. The term originated from Middle English “engineour” and from Anglo-French “enginer”, which means “to devise or to construct”.

More known to be left-brained, the character traits of engineers include being precise, mathematical, and system builder. Their competencies comprise mathematics, scientific knowledge, and management skills.

Career-wise, engineers can work in many different fields depending on their specializations such as mechanical, structural, electrical, environmental, and industrial.

SubNet Construction recognizes the significant role engineers play in the real estate industry and is diversely working with competent builders on all our projects.

Undoubtedly, architects and engineers are our partners in designing dreams and building realities.

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